
to The Brat Prince, the fanlisting for the vampire Lestat de Lioncourt from The Vampire Chronicles. In the movie, Interview with the Vampire, Lestat was played by Tom Cruise, and in the movie, Queen of the Damned, he was played by Stuart Townsend. In the TV series, Interview with the Vampire, Sam Reid plays our irresistibly devilish hero. If you are a fan of the vampire Lestat, please join the fanlisting and grab a button to link back if you own a site. On my next update, you will be added to the members list.


This site was last updated on 24th February 2025. There are currently 4216 fans listed, from 104 countries, as well as 0 fan(s) waiting to be added to the list. Welcome to our newest fan(s): Abby


This fanlisting is a part of the FANACULAR collective and The Fanlistings Network. A special thank you to Kayleigh (seventh-sin.org) for her members list. The current layout was beautifully designed by Lorian.


 Armand   Claudia   General: Vampires   Interview with the Vampire   Interview with the Vampire   Lestat and Louis   Lestat and Marius fansite   Louis de Pointe du Lac   Marius de Romanus   Santino   The Vampire Lestat   The Vampires   Vampire Chronicles, The   Vampires 
If you're interested in affiliating your related fanlisting with mine, please email me your information.

Come to me, Louis...

Lestat (Movie) Lestat (TV)