
to FANACULAR, the fanlisting collective of Brenda. If you don't know what a fanlisting is, they are sites run by fans of whatever subject their website is about. The goal is to find out how many other fans exist of the same subject. Fanlistings are fun and completely free to join. Please check out the place that lists all fanlistings, The Fanlistings Network, to get an even better idea of how the whole thing works.


This site houses a total of 17 listings, with 0 on upcoming. There are 5917 fans currently listed throughout the collective, while 2 is/are waiting to be added. I've also joined 164 listings and link to 41 affiliates.


March 17, 2025: Pat Benatar fanlisting is online
January 10, 2025: New layout for Fanacular
March 13, 2023: New layout for Lestat de Lioncourt
February 28, 2023: New layout for Buttered Popcorn
January 24, 2023: New layout for 9 to 5


Buttered Popcorn, Seasons, Gerbils, Lestat de Lioncourt, Cinderella


Fanacular - Shawnee Smith Fanacular - Lestat de Lioncourt

Musicians: Female category

The current layout was beautifully designed by Lorian.